Coming 2024


Welcoming ZAP to the Software Security Project

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We are thrilled to announce that the renowned Zed Attack Proxy / (ZAP) has officially become a part of the Software Security Project (SSP)! Our mission is to provide unwavering support to critical open-source security projects, ensuring they continue to deliver essential security services to the public.

ZAP's extraordinary contributions have not gone unnoticed. Last month alone, they recorded nearly 4 million "check for update" pings, demonstrating their indispensable role in safeguarding organizations worldwide. The cybersecurity landscape relies on vital services like ZAP, which makes their decision to come to the SSP all the more significant.

Our dedication to supporting the ZAP core team is unwavering, and we are excited about the opportunities this partnership will bring. In the coming weeks, there will be further exciting developments to share. Stay updated by signing up at for exclusive news and insights.

For comprehensive details about this collaboration, we encourage you to read ZAP's blog, where they will delve into the finer aspects of this momentous move. Together, we celebrate ZAP's entry into the SSP and look forward to accomplishing remarkable milestones together.

If you are attending BlackHat or DEFCON, we invite you to join us on Tuesday, August 8th, at 4 p.m. PST at the prestigious Press Lounge, Four Seasons. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the SSP mission.

Let us warmly welcome Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) to the SSP, and together, we shall strengthen the defenses of the digital world!

Stay updated by signing up at for exclusive news and insights.

Omkhar and Mark